Course levels

Course levels

Course levels

The first level builds a strong spiritual foundation in participants and gives them clarity regarding the prophetic. After completing this level you will be equipped with knowledge and various skills needed for ministry.

  • You will learn to distinguish between false and genuine prophetic ministries.
  • You will learn how God speaks and how to hear His voice.
  • You will get practical experience through the guidance of the Holy Spirit that will lead to further testimonies of His work in your life.
  • You will learn about the pitfalls of immaturity in the prophetic ministry and how to avoid them.
  • You will receive prophetic words about your life through course leaders and other participants in the course.
  • You will learn how to correctly operate in the prophetic ministry

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Level 2 provides students with a platform where they can put into practice what they have learned and also witness their peers applying their knowledge practically in similar situations. After completing this level, your prayer life and ministry will be transformed in magnificent ways.

  • You will become more sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit.
  • You will purify your speech of words and phrases that can stand as obstacles to an effective prophetic ministry.
  • You will take part in prophetic outreach.
  • You will discover what a powerful vessel of blessing you are in God’s hands.
  • The prophetic words that you deliver will bring change and revival.
  • You will acquire apostolic boldness and confidence.
  • You will enter into a new level of revelation and vision.

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“On the field” is the third level of our training. In it, you will spend seven days with us in a face-to-face ministry. During this time you will be granted the opportunity to take an active part in prophetic services, be conference speakers, to preach the gospel on the streets and squares. Over

On the field

“On the field” is the third level of our training. In it, you will spend seven days serving the Lord alongside us. During this time you will have the opportunity to take an active part in prophetic services, to speak at conferences and preach the gospel in streets and squares.

Over the years we’ve spent ministering on a global scale, we have established relationships with hundreds of churches. This level takes place in various locations such as Europe, Africa, Asia, and North or South America. Completion of Levels 1 and 2 is a requirement for enrollment to Level 3.

“On the field” is recommended for everybody who wants to truly experience what serving under the anointing of the Holy Spirit is like. Throughout your time on the course, you will be supervised by one of our ministry teachers who will distribute ministry tasks as guided by God and also according to students‘ personal requests.

In this level:

  • You willl have the opportunity to reach thousands with the gospel.
  • You will experience the real glory of God in streets and squares.
  • You will see with your own eyes how God gives you the nations for your inheritance.
  • You will see “the deaf hear, the blind see, the lame walk…”.

“On the field” holds a special place in our hearts. This level is the reward for our dedication and time spent before God. Abundant fruit and countless testimonies make it an unforgettable experience. It leaves its mark in people’s hearts heart as well as in their ministry. “On the field” takes us back to the heritage left for us by the first apostles. It reminds us of the essence of our service to God – to testify of Him among all nations. This level is an opportunity you mustn‘t miss!

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A Christian’s spiritual growth and maturity is a proncess of vital importance. It happens gradually, step by step. Our training levels are designed to be accessible to both new and mature believers. The practical methods we use are not borrowed from elsewhere but are characteristic of our lessons and are the result of many years of experience. One easily and quickly adapts to them and sees that ministry gives real pleasure. Moreover, testimonies begin to pile up and the participant very quickly acquires the boldness required to step out prophetically.

The training levels enable participants to gain specific knowledge. They enrich participants awareness and understaning of the endless possibilities for the prophetic ministry and serve to clarify what one’s   role and the place is in the Body of Christ. Our course content is  constantly being improved and developed. Over the years we have learned to teach Biblical doctrines in an accessible and understandable manner without compromising their depth. The lessons are designed in such a way in order to give participants the opportunity to demonstrate what they have learnt practically. This is the process by which knowledge evolves and grows into a prophetic ministry. People who complete the three levels of training can be invited or apply themselves to become part of our team.