On the field
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On the field

On the field

Course Attendees

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Our Program

Day 1

Day 1

Day 1

“On the field” holds a special place in our hearts. This level of our prophetic course a strictly individual every time. Therefore we cannot present you an exact program in advance, so you’re being given an exemplary one.

8:00- 9:00Breakfast,getting to know the daily plan and distribution of tasks.
9:00-9:20Departure to the location of ministry for the day.
10:00-12:30Prophetic evangelism.
12:30-12:40Departure for lunch.
13:00-14:00Lunch and distribution of the tasks for the evening service.
14:00-16:30Personal time.
16:30-17:00Travel to the place of ministry.
17:00-18:00Prayer and spiritual preparation for the service.
18:00-21:00Prophetic service.
21:00-21:30Dinner and departure to the hotel.

Day 2

Day 2

Day 2

“On the field” holds a special place in our hearts. This level of our prophetic course a strictly individual every time. Therefore we cannot present you an exact program in advance, so you’re being given an exemplary one.

8:00- 9:00Breakfast,getting to know the daily plan and distribution of tasks.
9:00-9:20Departure to the location of ministry for the day.
10:00-12:30Prophetic evangelism.
12:30-12:40Departure for lunch.
13:00-14:00Lunch and distribution of the tasks for the evening service.
14:00-16:30Personal time.
16:30-17:00Travel to the place of ministry.
17:00-18:00Prayer and spiritual preparation for the service.
21:00-21:30Dinner and departure to the hotel.

Day 3

Day 3

Day 3

“On the field” holds a special place in our hearts. This level of our prophetic course a strictly individual every time. Therefore we cannot present you an exact program in advance, so you’re being given an exemplary one.

8:00- 9:00Breakfast,getting to know the daily plan and distribution of tasks.
9:00-9:20Departure to the location of ministry for the day.
10:00-12:30Prophetic evangelism.
12:30-12:40Departure for lunch.
13:00-14:00Lunch and distribution of the tasks for the evening service.
14:00-16:30Personal time.
16:30-17:00Travel to the place of ministry.
17:00-18:00Prayer and spiritual preparation for the service.
18:00-21:00Revival service.
21:00-21:30Dinner and departure to the hotel.

Day 4

Day 4

Day 4

“On the field” holds a special place in our hearts. This level of our prophetic course a strictly individual every time. Therefore we cannot present you an exact program in advance, so you’re being given an exemplary one.

8:00- 9:00Breakfast,getting to know the daily plan and distribution of tasks.
9:30-12:30Prophetic conference session 1.
12:30-14:00Departure for lunch.
12:30-14:00Lunch and distribution of the tasks for the evening service.
14:00-16:30Prophetic conference session 2.
17:30-21:00Evening of signs and wonders.
21:00-21:30Dinner and departure to the hotel.

Day 5

Day 5

Day 5

“On the field” holds a special place in our hearts. This level of our prophetic course a strictly individual every time. Therefore we cannot present you an exact program in advance, so you’re being given an exemplary one.

8:00- 9:00Breakfast,getting to know the daily plan and distribution of tasks.
10:00-12:30Prophetic service.
12:30-14:00Lunch and distribution of tasks.
14:00-16:30Prophetic intercession (visiting key places).
18:00-21:00Revival service.
21:00-21:30Dinner and departure to the hotel.

Course Reviews

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Course Description

"On the field" is the third level of our training. In it, you will spend seven days with us in a face-to-face ministry. During this time you will be granted the opportunity to take an active part in prophetic services, be conference speakers, to preach the gospel on the streets and squares. Over years of ministry on a global level, we have established relationships with hundreds of churches. This level will take place in various locations such as Europe, Africa, Asia, and North or South America. A requirement to participate is to go through the first two levels of teaching. "On the field" is recommended for everybody, who wants to truly experience serving under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Throughout the whole time, you will be under the watch of one of our ministry’s lecturers, who will distribute the tasks according to the God-given guidance and the personal request of the student. By the end of this level:

  • You will have the opportunity to reach thousands with the gospel.
  • You will experience the real glory of God in streets and squares.
  • You will see with your own eyes how God gives you the nations for your inheritance.
  • You will see how "the deaf hear, the blind see, the lame walk...".

"On the field" holds a special place in our hearts. I can call this level the reward for our dedication and time spent before God. Abundant fruit and countless testimonies make it an unforgettable experience of a lifetime. It leaves a print in both, the heart and ministry. "On the field" takes us back to our first apostolic heritage. It reminds us of the essence of our service to God. To testify of Him among all nations. This level is something you shouldn't miss!

  • Donation for this level is not required.
  • Expenses for a plane ticket, hotel, food, etc. are on the participant.
  • After clicking the "inquire" button, you will receive an E-Mail with a list of the exact costs to be paid.


  • Graduating level 1 and level 2

Our Main Teachers

Edith Williams


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To donate

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Price : Free

Max Availability : 30

Location : On the field

Live ministry

Duration : One week


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