Level 2
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Home Courses

Level 2

Level 2

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Our Program

1 day

How to deliver a prophetic word?

How to deliver a prophetic word?

1 day

How To Share A Prophecy

  • How can I create an atmosphere of holiness?
  • How should I share a revelation with someone individually?
  • How should I share a revelation with a group of people?
  • How do I water a spiritual seed that I‘ve planted?
2 day

Pitfalls of the prophetic ministry – Part 1.

Pitfalls of the prophetic ministry – Part 1.

2 day

Pitfalls of the prophetic ministry

  • What hidden dangers lurk for us in the prophetic ministry?
  • Pitfalls of the flesh.
  • Satan’s pitfalls.
  • How to keep yourself pure?
3 day

Pitfalls of the prophetic ministry – Part 2.

Pitfalls of the prophetic ministry – Part 2.

3 day

Pitfalls of the prophetic ministry Part 2

  • What dangers are there in the ministry of prophets?
  • Pitfalls of the flesh.
  • Satan’s pitfalls.
  • How to keep yourself pure?
4 day

Prophetic Intercession.

Prophetic Intercession.

4 day

Prophetic Intercession

  • What is the difference between intercession and prophetic intercession?
  • Who can operate in prophetic intercession?
  • What is the fruit of the prayer of petition?
  • The ministry of watchmen.
5 day

Character of the prophet.

Character of the prophet.

5 day

Character of the prophet

  • How do prophets behave?
  • Confronting the enemy.
  • How can I prepare for the prophetic ministry?
  • Obedience and humility.
6 day

Ministry under the prophetic anointing.

Ministry under the prophetic anointing.

6 day

Ministry under the prophetic anointing

  • How can I lead the congregation into the atmosphere of God’s glory?
  • Prophetic acts of faith.
  • Soulish and spiritual fire.
  • Spiritual "unclogging" (breakthrough).
7 day

Prophetic evangelism.

Prophetic evangelism.

7 day

Prophetic evangelism

  • Prophetic ministry outside the church.
  • Prophetic specifics.
  • Purging the religious "repertoire".
  • Boldness for the gospel.
8 day

Lessons from the prophets – Part 1.

Lessons from the prophets – Part 1.

8 day

Lessons from the prophets

  • How to grow in and keep the prophetic anointing?
  • How can I enter into God’s promises for my life?
  • How can I be blessed?
  • Entering into the anointing of signs and wonders.
9 day

Lessons from the prophets – Part 2.

Lessons from the prophets – Part 2.

9 day

Lessons from the prophets Part 2

  • How do I keep and grow in the prophetic anointing?
  • How do I enter into God's promises for my life?
  • How can I be blessed?
  • Entering under the anointing of signs and wonders.
10 day

Structure of revelations.

Structure of revelations.

10 day

Structure of the prophetic revelation

  • Structure of New Testament revelations.
  • The foundation of New Testament revelations.
  • The purpose of the New Testament revelations.
  • Discernment of false prophecies.

Course Reviews

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Course Description

Level Two gives the students a platform to put into practice what they have learned and showcases mistakes that are made in the prophetic ministry. After this level, your way of prayer and ministry will be changed in magnificent ways.

  • You will become more sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit.
  • You will have cleansed your tongue of parasitic words that pollute prophecy.
  • You will have participated in prophetic evangelism.
  • You will see what a powerful vessel of heaven you are.
  • The prophetic words that come out of your mouth will bring change and revival.
  • You will have acquired apostolic boldness and confidence.
  • You will enter a new level of revelation and vision.


  • All our courses are live with a lector, not prerecorded video material.
  • All our lectors are absolute professionals. Among the best in their fields.
  • You will get access to our online platform for prophetic prayers.
  • Will you decide after the first lesson, the course is not for you, you can sign out, money back guaranteed.
  • The lessons are suitable for ministers as well as for regular church visitors, worshipers, etc. There is no limitation regarding age, sex, or nationality.
  • If you are financially challenged and do not have the opportunity to pay, but want to participate, write to us. We always keep a few free places for people in temporary difficulty.
  • Our courses are held in many different languages, therefore there will often be a translator needed.
  • All income from the prophetic courses goes as a donation to the Touch Foundation, of which we are founders. Thus, you not only receive training but also support the foundation's life-changing social projects.
  • Those who have completed the three levels of training will be able to apply for ministry with us.


  • graduating level 1

Our Main Teachers

Edith Williams


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Kaylin Moore


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Jane Taylor


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To donate

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Price : 100 €

Max Availability : 150

Location : Live on Zoom

Practical training

Duration : 250 Hours


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