Level 1
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Home Courses

Level 1

Level 1

Course Attendees

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Our Program

1 day

Realms of the prophetic ministry.

Realms of the prophetic ministry.

1 day

Realms of the prophetic ministry

  • Who can prophesy?
  • Prophesying in the presence of the Holy Spirit.
  • The gift of prophecy.
  • The prophet.
2 day

Foundations of the prophetic ministry.

Foundations of the prophetic ministry.

2 day

Basis of the prophetic ministry

  • Who is Christ?
  • Love for God and people.
  • A heart brocken before the Lord.
  • Pure faith.
3 day

The purpose of the prophetic ministry.

The purpose of the prophetic ministry.

3 day

Purpose of the prophetic ministry

  • Edification, exhortation, consolation.
  • Countering deception through truth.
  • Spiritual scanner.
  • Witness for the coming Messiah.
4 day

Functions of the prophetic ministry.

Functions of the prophetic ministry.

4 day

Functions of the prophetic ministry

  • Healing for the Church.
  • Healing for the nations.
  • Functions of the gift of prophecy.
  • Functions of the prophet.
5 day

How does God speak?

How does God speak?

5 day

How does God speak?

  • How can I hear God’s voice?
  • How does God speak?
  • Interpretation of dreams and visions.
  • Prophetic Inspiration.
6 day

Types of prophetic ministry.

Types of prophetic ministry.

6 day

Types of prophetic ministry

  • Differences and simularities between prophets in the Bible.
  • Old Testament and New Testament prophetic ministries.
  • How to know God’s will for our own personal minustry?
  • What type of prophet am I?
7 day

Common struggles faced by beginners in the prophetic.

Common struggles faced by beginners in the prophetic.

7 day

Children's sicknesses of the prophetic ministry

  • Is God really speaking to me, or am I imagining things?
  • How will people react to what I prophesy?
  • Will what I prophesy be fulfilled?
  • Why does there appear to be no power present when I prophesy?
8 day

Making space for the Holy Spirit.

Making space for the Holy Spirit.

8 day

How can I give place to the Holy Spirit?

  • Longing for the Holy Spirit.
  • Baptism in the Holy Spirit.
  • The spirit of prophecy.
  • Inspired speaking.
9 day

Spiritual growth and development in the prophetic ministry.

Spiritual growth and development in the prophetic ministry.

9 day

Spiritual growth and development in the prophetic ministry.

  • Healthy prophetic “diet”.
  • How can I receive the gift of prophecy?
  • How can I be “clothed” with a prophetic garment?
  • How can I enter the glory of God?
10 day

Оbstacles to the development of prophetic potential.

Оbstacles to the development of prophetic potential.

10 day

Оbstacles of the development of the prophetic potential.

  • Prayer repertoire.
  • Hidden disobedience.
  • Ignoring the prophetic stream.
  • Toxic environments.
11 day

Interaction with other gifts and talents.

Interaction with other gifts and talents.

11 day

Iinteraction with other gifts and talents.

  • The manifestations of the Holy Spirit.
  • Authority in Jesus’ name.
  • Spiritual and physical healing.
  • The fire of the Holy Spirit (revival).

Course Reviews

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Course Description

The first level builds a strong foundation and gives clarity regarding the prophetic. After going through that level you will obtain various vital attributes needed for the ministry.

  • You will be able to differentiate a false prophetic ministry from a real one.
  • You will get to know how God speaks and how to hear His voice.
  • You will get practical experience through the guidance of the Holy Spirit that will lead to further testimonies of His works in your life.
  • You will become aware of what the prophetic ministry’s “children’s diseases” are and how to “sweat them out”.
  • Prophecies shall be revealed about your life through lectors and other participants of the course.
  • You will learn how to correctly operate in the prophetic ministry


  • All our courses are live with a lector, not prerecorded video material.
  • All our lectors are absolute professionals. Among the best in their fields.
  • You will get access to our online platform for prophetic prayers.
  • Will you decide after the first lesson, the course is not for you, you can sign out, money back guaranteed.
  • The lessons are suitable for ministers as well as for regular church visitors, worshipers, etc. There is no limitation regarding age, sex, or nationality.
  • If you are financially challenged and do not have the opportunity to pay, but want to participate, write to us. We always keep a few free places for people in temporary difficulty.
  • Our courses are held in many different languages, therefore there will often be a translator needed.
  • All income from the prophetic courses goes as a donation to the Touch Foundation, of which we are founders. Thus, you not only receive training but also support the foundation's life-changing social projects.
  • Those who have completed the three levels of training will be able to apply for ministry with us.

Our Main Teachers

Edith Williams


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Price : 50 €

Max Availability : 150

Location : Live on Zoom

Theoretical training

Duration : 250 Hours


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